Winter Symposium in Manchester

We are excited to announce that in January 2017, we plan to hold our first WINTER SYMPOSIUM! If you are an early career researcher and your research broadly falls under social learning and cultural evolution, then this will be a great opportunity to see what others in related fields are doing, and to help us in our aim of continuing to build a network of young social learning researchers.
The meeting will be a full day and consist of talks & posters, and informal discussions.
We are currently considering two venues – one at Manchester Museum (costing £495 to rent for the day) and the other a room at Manchester University (free but for a £7-£10 fee per person for breakfast, and coffee, tea, and biscuits throughout the day). Which we choose will depend on what funding we manage to secure.
If you would like to present a talk or poster, lead a workshop, or would just like to suggest a topic for discussion, then please get in touch via email ().
Suggestions for funding
If you have any suggestions for grants or other funding sources we could apply for, then please send these to .
We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing as many of possible in January!