Day 1
- Welcome: Opening remarks from the organizers
- Icebreaker event / getting to know gathertown
- Keynote 1: Dr. Barbara Klump (MPI AB)
- Poster Lightening round
Day 2
- Keynote 2: Dr. Helge Giese (University of Konstanz)
- Group session Network based Diffusion Analysis (NBDA): Dr. William Hoppitt
Day 3
- Individual sessions with Dr. Will Hoppitt
- Student talks
- Group session Complex Data Visualization: Dr. Christine Cuskley
- Poster session
Day 4
- Student talks
- Group discussion challenges in early career
- Poster session
Participants will have the opportunity to present their own work to the other attendees in the form of a 10min talk or poster (talks are limited).
Research on social learning or topics with a direct applicability to the field is welcomed.
Invited speakers
Click on the images to get more information.
Update: registrations are closed
Registration will open from April 27th to June 13th. Decisions on applications will be made shortly after. Places are limited, and we reserve the right to close registrations once the maximum number of participants is reached.
During registration, you will have the opportunity to apply to present your research in front of the workshop attendees, in form of a research poster or student talk.
Please note that the workshop is free for members of the ESLR Society. If you are not a member yet, you will have the option to either join the ESLR Society, or to pay the workshop fee. Please pay by following this link.
If you have any further questions regarding the workshop, please email us at , or find us on twitter (@konstanz2021).
Further information
All participants agree upon application to the workshop that they agree with and adhere to the society’s Code of Conduct. If you have questions do not hesitate to contact us.