Become a member
Why Become a Member?
We try to keep the running costs of our society as low as possible. However, for some things (see below) even a non-for profit has to pay.
With your membership fee we cover these basic costs and give our society a little financial independence. Our Society has a treasurer who keeps both eyes on the responsible use of your contribution. Once a year, at the AGM, the treasurer reports on the Society’s financial status, the budget, and the spendings. This is your way to check on us. Got more questions? Just get in contact with us.
Thank you for your support ❤️
The button will connect you to our Open Collective website. Open Collective Europe is our financial host since March 2021. You can pay your membership via bank transfer or debit card (preferred) and even credit card (less preferred as we will have to pay an extra 3% fee).
If you wish to make a larger donation in a currency different than euros, please consider using TransferWise. Get in touch for details.
Previous Financial Support for ESLR
Thanks to our funders!