First Message to the YSLR Mailing List

Published by Marco Smolla on

We are online!
Let me give you a warm hello and welcome to our brand new YSLR website AND this great new mailing list. Feel free to share the link to the website with everyone who could be interested. The more, the merrier.

At our first meeting we discussed different ways to communicate and keep in touch. A mailing list appeared to be the simplest and most democratic way to interact. And so here it is. If you have a colleague who wants to sign up to the mailing list use this link.

What’s next?
To make this movement a success we need your creativity, feedback, and participation. Here are some ways to take part:

– You recently gave a talk, or poster, or published a paper? Write a summary and we will put it on the website to let others know about your work.

– You found a great paper, or know about a conference relevant to our field and want to share it? Why not sharing it with the mailing list?

– We’ve got enough to communicate to set up a bi-weekly or monthly newsletter? I love the idea, but it’s going to need your help to get this done. Mail or tweet at me if you want to take on this responsibility.

– Finally: We should meet again! One way to achieve this is to set up a symposium. Let’s share our latest lab experiments, computer models, and field work experiences. How formal or informal this will be is for you to decide. Share your opinions at the comments of the website article or directly with the mailing list.

Here we go
Let me iterate again: these are exciting times for the research of social learning and cultural evolution. Scientist from diverse backgrounds using a wide variety of methods to understand the conditions, mechanisms, and consequences of social interactions. The great thing is: this research is not for the ivory tower. It addresses questions about the how, and why, and who, which are of interest to the general public.

We are part of this rapidly growing field. Let’s shape and enjoy that trip together.

Marco Smolla (@smollamarco)

About the author

Categories: Communication

Marco Smolla

Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, with an interest in cultural evolution theory.


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